There are always those certain items for clients that they don't want to part with because it seems "to nice to just give away" (even though they never wear it) it "used to look good" on them or "it seems to hard to trash or recycle."
I want you to know there are ways to move out your excess stuff AND get the peaceful high that comes with well-ordered closets and drawers.
Shoes: The organization Soles4Souls gives you a way to part with gently warn shoes that don't earn their keep on your shelf. The nonprofit brings shoes to those in need like relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina and the Asian tsunami. It is as easy as throwing them in a box and mailing them! Even just a couple pairs will make a difference.
Clothing: The Salvation Army has always been known for picking up large donations (like a couch). But it turns out a truck will stop for just five bags of clothes. Can't meet the minimum? Invite friends and neighbors to leave their surplus with you before pickup day. No more schlepping heavy loads out to the drop-off spot! 1.800.958.7825
Media: If you've loaded all your CDs onto your iPod, take advantage of Eco Encore, a nonprofit that will sell your old music-plus DVDs, books and current software-on Amazon or eBay for an environmental cause. More than 70% of the price goes to your earth-saving group of choice; the rest covers operating expenses. Items that remain unbought are delivered to literacy organizations or recycled. They even may reimburse you for part of the shipping costs!
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