Struggling to keep your New Year’s resolution? Get Organized Month, sponsored by the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), is in full swing. I spoke about this at the beginning of the month but wanted to keep the momentum going! NAPO just recently sent out their own home & office organizing tips to share:
Customize Your Kitchen:
- Things that work together should be stored together, such as baking pans, electrical appliances, plastic containers (with lids), pots and pans, and large platters and bowls.
- Drawer dividers are a good way to keep utensils in order.
- Rotate food staples out of your pantry. Create menus to use up dated canned goods.
- Feel the flow of activity in your kitchen. Place glasses near the sink or the refrigerator. Put snacks in a convenient drawer or cupboard.
Conquer Your Filing:
- Create a filing system for your electronic documents that mirrors the one you have for paper. Sort, file, and purge electronic information regularly.
- Keep a file index (a master list of file names). Check the index before creating a new file to avoid making duplicates. Also use it when deciding where to put new documents.
- Refer to your company’s records retention plan for guidance on how long to keep documents.
- Keep the most recent papers in the front of the file. Whenever you open it, the current information will be on top.
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