I have talked a lot about Organize Magazine in the last few months. While it is a relatively new magazine, it is absolutely fabulous. It’s their mission to provide readers with organizing solutions for living and they are doing it! And I love John Trosko of OrganizingLA. He has also been featured on Daily Candy and several other media outlets. OrganizingLA is the premier Southern California organizing expert. They are known for creating excellent solutions and providing spectacular results in your home and home office and their blog rocks!
CONGRATS! You deserve this. You have a wonderful blog that I read all the time. Keep up the blogging.
wow. what a wonderful honor. i love your posts and your newsletter. can't live w/o them.
Hi Rachel!
Thank you so much for mentioning my blog (wow) and the addition of your site to my blog roll. You do write great, relevant posts. It's my honor to include you!
- John
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