I have just been notified that tomorrow’s Oprah show is titled: This Is The Year to Declutter Your Life! I am so excited to see the show and encourage all of you out there to tune in or set your Tivo systems. There is already a message board for tomorrow’s topic up and running. Please check it out: Oprah Message Board
The show’s message board states “Their home looks normal from the outside…but inside! We are calling in a professional with serious ground rules and a three-step action plan! Clean-up secrets that could help you get organized, lose weight and even have more sex! This is the year to declutter your life. We'll show you how! Join the discussion.”
I am so glad that Oprah is helping to bring such an important subject like professional organization into the spotlight. There are such wonderful benefits to becoming organized and I can't wait to see what Oprah uncovers tomorrow.
I am a former client of Rosey's. Very glad to see that professional organizing is being featured on Oprah. Professional organizing services are invaluable.
Rachel, thanks for telling us about the show tomorrow. Our DVR is set and I am making my husband watch with me when he gets home from work! Keep up the awesome blog. -A
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