
New Year's Resolution? Container Store was PACKED!

I was at the Container Store yesterday purchasing items for one of my clients. I don't know if most of you know, but I get a 10% discount on all products that I purchase from the Container Store because I am a professional organizer. So, as a service to my clients, I purchase items that we use in their homes or offices and get them at a discount.

While many people had off of work yesterday, I was still in awe of how many people were in the store! The Container Store is my home away from home and never in my life have I seen it so busy. One of the reasons for all the people is that the stores is having their annual 30% off of Elfa sale. It is an amazing sale that everyone should take advantage of if they are planning on using Elfa anywhere in their home. I am BIG fan of Elfa and have actually planned a few spaces with my clients who will be taking part in the huge savings.

But I know that not all the people in the store were there for the Elfa sale. This is of course just an observation but it seemed to me that everyone was there to start 2009 on the right foot..more organized! I saw people buying things for their office, their kitchens, their closets. I even spoke to a woman that was there with her husband and she said that one of her resolutions was to start 2009 more organized than 2008!

So I guess people are getting on the organized train and I would love to help get you there! I think it is one of the most important resolutions you can make for 2009 as it impacts so many areas of your life.

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